Saturday, April 6, 2013

Auckland Park - 5th April 2013 - Minelab Xterra 705

Had a night hunt 7pm - 8.30pm.
Moral of this story - never give up!
Spent the first hour finding Pull tabs, bits of aluminium cans and the odd 1 and 2 cent coins.
Had a target signal very much like a bit of scrap, thought I would pass it over, but changed my mind and dug it..
Pleased I did as there was a 1933 silver shilling at about 5 ". I then placed the turf back, pressed it down and ran the machine over the area and had another signal. So up came the turf plug and down went the Pro-Pointer which immediatley indicated another target in the hole, in the side wall. Out came a 1939 silver 3d coin, wow two silvers in one hole!
In the next 20 mins I found a few old decimal 10 cent and 20 cent coins plus a $1.00 spendable coin, and no scrap. Had to leave at 8.30pm but will be back.

Thought I would post a couple of other items I found a few weeks before I started this blog.
First is a Silver Spoon (E.S.P.N), Stamped Martin.Hall & Co Ltd. The anchor indicates it was made in Birmingham , U.K. Think about about 1925. Found 5 inches down alongside a sports field. That's my reflection on the spoon bowl!

The second is an antique broach, which is still wearable. The photo does not do it justice, it looks very nice in natural light. It is about the size of a new 10 cent piece.

Till next time, enjoy your detecting,



  1. Cute brooch Kevin.
    Is the base Silver by any chance?
    Perhaps check for a .925 or STG marks.

  2. Chris,
    Had checked for marks, think the base is made of Brass or similar.
    Looks nice tho, better than a pull tab eh!
